Devious Journal Entry

30 min read

Deviation Actions

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Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~

KANKRI: Cr9nus, have y9u seen my whistle? I think I might have misplaced it s9mewhere in the area, yet I can't recall where.

CRONUS: gee, i vwonder vwhere it could havwe possibly gone.

KANKRI: My th9ughts exactly, I d9n't remem6er rem9ving it ar9und my neck n9r putting it d9wn anywhere 6ut the last I remem6er having it it was in this sp9t.

CRONUS: oh, vwell, it could be ANYVWHERE by nowv, i guess youll havwe to forget about it.

KANKRI: F9rget a69ut it? I will d9 n9 such thing! That whistle has 6een with me thr9ugh thick and thin. That 6eing said I have full intenti9ns 9f l9cating it! Even if it takes me all day.

KANKRI: It will 6e f9und.

CRONUS: cant you just get something newv?

CRONUS: something less, ah, ear-piercing?

KANKRI: Cr9nus, what w9uld the p9int 6e if I l9st its ear-piercing quality? It gra6s pe9ples attenti9ns, mainly t9wards me. Which is my desired intenti9ns.

KANKRI: I kn9w it must 6e ar9und here s9mewhere, iv'e 6een retracing my steps s9 it can't 6e t99 far fr9m me!

CRONUS: all im saying is, maybe its time to phase the old girl out.

KANKRI: Why w9uld I want t9 d9 s9mething like that?

CRONUS: its getting on in svweeps, probably losing its quality.

KANKRI: I assure y9u that it is d9ing n9 such thing, I take g99d care 9f my whistle. It's in tip t9p shape, p9ssi6ly the 6est shape it has ever 6een in.

CRONUS: no, no, it vwas DEFINITELY starting to sound a little muddy.

KANKRI: I pr96a6ly just have t9 give it a spit and shine, take it apart and clean it fr9m the inside 9ut.

KANKRI: That usually d9es the trick.

CRONUS: are you sure youre still talking about a vwhistle here?

KANKRI: Yes? What else w9uld I 6e referring t9?

CRONUS: sounds like a girl to me.

KANKRI: H9w d9es that s9und like a girl?

KANKRI: Y9u d9n't take a lady apart 9f clean her fr9m the inside 9ut.

KANKRI: That's just weird.

KANKRI: D9n't 6e weird, Cr9nus.

CRONUS: take her LEGS apaet.

CRONUS: **apart

KANKRI: EW! N9. This isn't s9mething that's g9ing t9 6e discussed.

KANKRI: Help my find my whistle.


CRONUS: arent you a little old for vwhistles?

KANKRI: Aren't y9u a little 9ld f9r tacky leather jackets?

CRONUS: good thing theyre not tacky, then.

KANKRI: That's de6ata6le.

CRONUS: theyre handmade, hand bedazzled, high quality, and make me look sharp.

KANKRI: I didn't ask, Cr9nus. Let me find my whistle.

CRONUS: the memory could havwe changed vwhile you left.

CRONUS: howv do you knowv youre in the same spot?

CRONUS: trust me, its MUCH better to just forget it existed.

KANKRI: I literally walked 6ackwards in my exact steps until I reached this p9int.

KANKRI: And, as iv'e said 6ef9re, I am n9t f9rgetting a69ut my whistle.

CRONUS: it could havwe uh, been absorbed by the ground.

KANKRI: Cr9nus, y9u're n9t stupid s9 d9n't say stupid things.

CRONUS: no, really, i lost a comb to this place once.

KANKRI: A c9m6 isn't a whistle.

KANKRI: I kn9w f9r a fact that y9u carry ar9und at least five c9m6s.

CRONUS: howv vwould YOU knowv vwhats in my captchalogue, huh?

KANKRI: Y9u're the 9ne wh9 t9ld me? Y9u tell me a l9t 9f things I d9n't want t9 hear, Cr9nus.

CRONUS: vwell, it could havwe changed.

KANKRI: Did it?

CRONUS: my combs are just as important (if not significantly more) than your vwhistle.

KANKRI: Yeah, well, this isn't a69ut y9ur c9m6s c9nsidering that isn't what has 6een l9st.

CRONUS: i think youre ovwerreacting.

CRONUS: sometimes you just gotta let things go.

KANKRI: Y9u w9uldn't 6e saying that if it were s9mething 9f y9urs.

CRONUS: ivwe lost PLENTY of things ovwer the svweeps.

CRONUS: and you knowv vwhat i did?

CRONUS: ask me vwhat i did, it sounds better if you ask me.


KANKRI: What did y9u d9 Cr9nus.

CRONUS: i replaced it and only complained a LITTLE.

KANKRI: 9h, y9u're such an inspirati9n.

CRONUS: and for some stuff, i didnt evwen replace or complain about it, because frankly, it vwas their time to go.

KANKRI: Cr9nus, I really like my whistle and I d9n't want t9 have t9 replace it.

KANKRI: If y9u c9uld help me find it I w9uld 6e extremely grateful.

CRONUS: you still havwent explained vwhy you NEED it.

KANKRI: 6ecause I like it.

CRONUS: does that mean you need me too?

KANKRI: What??

CRONUS: because you need things you like, right?

KANKRI: Well, yeah I supp9se.

CRONUS: nice, im going to remember that during your inevwitable betrayal.


CRONUS: just use your mouth to vwhistle.

KANKRI: I d9n't kn9w h9w t9 whistle with my m9uth.

CRONUS: use your fingers, then.

KANKRI: Cr9nus if I knew h9w t9 d9 any 9f these things d9 y9u h9nestly think I w9uld have ever used the whistle?

CRONUS: sharper sound.

KANKRI: While that is true I used it 6ecause I d9n't kn9w h9w t9 use either my m9uth n9r fingers t9 whistle.

KANKRI: ((6r6!

CRONUS: im gonna levwel vwith you here, sport.

CRONUS: i sawv...uhhh...nitram, i sawv nitram ovwer here.

CRONUS: sniffing around in the shady, attention-stealing-bastard vway he does.

KANKRI: Rufi9h? Really? I never th9ught him t9 6e the theiving type.

KANKRI: Are y9u sure that he is a p9ssi6le suspect in my missing whistle case?

CRONUS: absolutely positivwe.

CRONUS: and theres a dark side to him, yknowv.

KANKRI: Yes, yes, iv'e heard a69ut this dark side 9f his.

KANKRI: Damara has t9ld me a69ut it.

KANKRI: Sh9uld I demand that he return my whistle?

CRONUS: if you confront him, he might turn nasty.

KANKRI: Y9u're a6s9lutely right.

KANKRI: H9w sh9uld I g9 a69ut this then?

CRONUS: vwhy dont you check his hivwe?

CRONUS: on the dowvn-lowv.

KANKRI: Check his hive? I think that w9uld 6e c9nsidered 6reaking and entering.

KANKRI: I w9uldn't want t9 c9mmit any fel9nies.

CRONUS: no, it falls under vwigilante justice.



KANKRI: I still d9n't kn9w if I'm capa6le 9f c9mmitting such an act.

KANKRI: Perhaps I sh9uld just talk with him instead.

KANKRI: He seems t9 6e easy g9ing.

CRONUS: no, no, trust me.

CRONUS: bad idea.

KANKRI: Why sh9uld I 6reak int9 his hive anyh9w?

KANKRI: It d9esn't make much sense if y9u get right d9wn t9 it.

CRONUS: hes probably got his uh, thievwing hoard there.

KANKRI: I'm sure he w9uld have my whistle 9n him at all times.

KANKRI: Just in case I were t9 visist.

CRONUS: no, hes not that bright.

KANKRI: We sh9uldn't underestimate him.

KANKRI: He's already 6ested me 9nce.

KANKRI: I w9uldn't want him t9 d9 it a sec9nd time.

CRONUS: the vwhistle or vwhat?

KANKRI: The whistle 96vi9usly!

CRONUS: he just picked it up.

CRONUS: thats HARDLY besting you.

KANKRI: N9, there is a deeper meaning 6ehind this.

KANKRI: This may 6e an9ther 9ne 9f his caligi9n9us flirting techniques.

KANKRI: He has made passes in the past.

CRONUS: vwowv, ok.

CRONUS: that escalated quickly.

KANKRI: My th9ughts exactly.

KANKRI: He wants t9 get a rile 9ut 9f me 6ut it will n9t happen!

CRONUS: you sure youre not reading into this just a LITTLE?

KANKRI: N9, this is s9mething m9re.

KANKRI: I can sense it.

KANKRI: He w9uldn't d9 this just t9 d9 this.

CRONUS: oh my god.

KANKRI: What an ass.

CRONUS: howv vwould he knowv it vwas YOUR vwhistle?

KANKRI: Wh9 else d9 y9u kn9w carries ar9und a whistle???

KANKRI: Riddle me that, Cr9nus!

CRONUS: i dont pry into peoples personal kinks.

KANKRI: It isn't a kink!

CRONUS: howv do you knowv none of our friends havwe a vwhistle kink?

KANKRI: 6ecause P9rrim w9uld kn9w.

KANKRI: And P9rrim likes t9 c9nfide in me.

CRONUS: she vwouldnt knowv EVWERYONES kinks.

KANKRI: Yeah, y9urs.

CRONUS: hey nowv, thats an unfair assumption.

CRONUS: howv do you knowv vwe havwent had a thing shes simply too embarrassed to evwer mention?

KANKRI: She t9ld me that she w9uldn't t9uch y9u even if the fate 9f the universe depended 9n it.

CRONUS: maybe its an ovwercompensation.

KANKRI: I think n9t.

CRONUS: maybe it vwas a VWHILE ago.

KANKRI: It was yesterday.

CRONUS: no, the relationship that vwe might havwe had.

KANKRI: The relati9nship y9u didn't have happened never.

CRONUS: i dont tell you evwerything about my romance life.

KANKRI: Like I said, P9rrim d9es.

CRONUS: so maybe i didnt hook up vwith MARYAM, but theres still ten others out there.

KANKRI: Name me 9ne and I'll g9 ask them t9 c9nfirm y9u ever had relati9ns with them.

CRONUS: an ampora nevwer kisses and tells.

KANKRI: Y9u have the first 9ne right.

KANKRI: Anyways.

KANKRI: We need t9 f9cus 9n Rufi9h and him 6eing a theif.

CRONUS: like i said, you vwouldnt knowv and its unfair to judge.

KANKRI: Whatever Cr9nus we can talk a69ut what didn't happen later.

CRONUS: youre the one vwhos obsessing ovwer nitram supposedly vwanting to jump your bones.

KANKRI: He d9es this 9n purp9se! I kn9w he d9es! L99k at him, acting like he didn't d9 what y9u just saw him d9!

CRONUS: sounds like SOMEONES projecting, if you ask me.

KANKRI: Cr9nus! N9t the time f9r it! I want my whistle 6ack!

CRONUS: its not like this is something NEWV or anything, because for some bizarre, illogical reason, EVWERYONE vwants to nail nitram.

KANKRI: 9h my G9dCR9NUS. My whistle.

CRONUS: i mean, really, vwhat does HE havwe that i DONT?

CRONUS: are the vwings really THAT fucking amazing?

KANKRI: Are y9u even listening t9 me? I feel like y9u aren't listening t9 me.

KANKRI: --Snaps his fingers in fr9nt 9f his face.-- Hey! I'm talking!

CRONUS: huh, vwhat.


CRONUS: that vwas a serious question, by the vway.

KANKRI: What was a seri9us questi9n?

CRONUS: vwhat does nitram havwe that i dont.

KANKRI: He's s9cia6le and fr9m what I here, charming.

KANKRI: Hear***

CRONUS: im sociable and charming.

KANKRI: ...Let's g9 with that.

CRONUS: hell, ivwe evwen got the great dyed hair.

KANKRI: Y9u dye y9ur hair? Why are y9u telling me this? I d9n't particularly care a69ut what y9u d9 t9 y9ur hair.

KANKRI: All I kn9w is t9 n9t put a flame near it.

KANKRI: Y9u'll expl9de if I d9.

CRONUS: im just saying, its completely unfair that HE gets the bitches vwhile i DONT.

KANKRI: Well, first 9f all. Y9u call them 6itches, which is extremely degrading and unattractive.

CRONUS: no, its pretty hot.

KANKRI: N9, it isn't.

CRONUS: trust me on this one.

KANKRI: Whatever, I was d9ne fighting a69ut it anyways.

CRONUS: anyvways, hes probably uh.

CRONUS: melted dowvn the vwhistle by nowv.

KANKRI: He w9uldn't.

CRONUS: maybe hes...

CRONUS: forging it into a spade shape.

KANKRI: He w9uldn't!

KANKRI: He w9uldn't d9 that, Cr9nus. W9uld he?

CRONUS: i bet hes going to put it on a collar.

CRONUS: and givwe it to you.

KANKRI: If he d9es that I'm 6reaking his fingers.

CRONUS: its probably too late.

KANKRI: What sh9uld I d9? He's 6asically c9axing me int9 d9ing s9mething pitched! Sh9uld I ign9re him? Iv'e 6een ign9ring him f9r s9me time, perhaps it'll finally dawn 9n him that I'm n9t interested. N9. N9 9ne 6it. Iv'e taken my v9w 9f celi6acy! I can't take 9n any quadrants.

CRONUS: i guess youll havwe to kick his ass.

CRONUS: its your only choice.

KANKRI: Are y9u sure?

KANKRI: There has t9 6e an9ther 9pti9n.

KANKRI: A less vi9lent 9pti9n.

CRONUS: but REALLY fast, so that silvwer tongue of his doesnt seduce you.

KANKRI: As if! I w9uldn't fall f9r that, y9u kn9w I w9uldn't.

CRONUS: thats vwhat i said.

KANKRI: Still.


KANKRI: I d9n't kn9w if that's the right ch9ice.

CRONUS: its fuck or fight, chief.

KANKRI: I feel like there sh9uld 6e a third 9pti9n.

KANKRI: 9ne that inv9lves P9rrim.

CRONUS: youre telling me you need MARYAM to bail you out?

CRONUS: that you cant handle a pixie-ass fucker like him on your owvn?

KANKRI: I d9n't want t9 cause c9nflict, and P9rrim can usually get things d9ne in 9ne g9.

KANKRI: She is very persuasive when she wants t9 6e.

CRONUS: but it means youre vweak.

KANKRI: I'm n9t weak.

CRONUS: and yet you need a JADE8LOOD to help you?

KANKRI: Why are y9u saying her 6l99d c9l9r in such a t9ne?

KANKRI: D9n't 6e insulting, Cr9nus.

KANKRI: It's very 9ffensive t9 P9rrim.

CRONUS: vwell, i mean, shes so much HIGHER than you, so she might think of helping you out in the vwrong sense.

KANKRI: She w9uldn't think 9f it in that way...w9uld she?

CRONUS: just betvween you and me, vwhenevwer you vwerent around on the group memos, she used to talk about howv much you needed her because you vwere just a helpless little mutant.

KANKRI: What? She w9uldn't say such things 6ehind my 6ack, if she had anything t9 say t9 me she w9uld say it t9 my face.

KANKRI: P9rrim isn't like that, Cr9nus.

CRONUS: shes a tvwo-faced bitch, kankri.

KANKRI: And 6esides, I sh9uld have g9tten n9tificati9ns if any69dy else c9mmented 9n my mem9s in my a6sen-GASP!!!

KANKRI: Cr9nus!!!

CRONUS: vwhat?

KANKRI: D9 N9T let her hear y9u say such things!

CRONUS: exactly, shed attack me for pointing out vwhat a horrible person she is.

KANKRI: I think she w9uld attack y9u reguardless f9r talking like this 6ehind her 6ack.

CRONUS: i cant say it to her face because shes taller than me and i think she vworks out.

KANKRI: She d9es.

KANKRI: She drags me t9 her hive every weekend and has me d9 it with her.

KANKRI: It's a pain.

CRONUS: and a fella like me, vwhos all rough around the edges vwith natural strength doesnt stand a chance.

KANKRI: I guess.

KANKRI: It just d9esn't make sense that she w9uld say these things a69ut me.

KANKRI: We're extremely cl9se if y9u haven't n9ticed.

CRONUS: shes lying to you.

KANKRI: That's.

KANKRI: Extremely rude 9f her.

CRONUS: pretty much evweryone lies around here.

CRONUS: im the only one you can really trust.

KANKRI: Really? Every69dy tells me 9therwise.

CRONUS: isnt that EXACTLY vwhat people vwho vwere lying vwould say?

KANKRI: 6ut what if y9u're the 9ne wh9's lying?

CRONUS: think about it, havwe i EVWER lied to anyone?

KANKRI: Yes, y9u hvae.

CRONUS: name one time.

KANKRI: T9 Mituna last week when y9u hid his skate69ard fr9m him and t9ld him that H9russ 6r9ke it in half and had Rufi9h 6urn the pieces with his fire a6ilities.

CRONUS: alright, fair enough, but havwe i evwer lied to YOU?

KANKRI: I d9n't kn9w.

CRONUS: exactly, so you should knowv that im telling the truth vwhen i say porrim took your vwhistle.


KANKRI: Y9u said Rufi9h t99k my whistle.


CRONUS: no, i said porrim took it.

KANKRI: N9, y9u said Rufi9h t99k it.

CRONUS: im pretty sure i said porrim.

KANKRI: Y9u said it was him.

KANKRI: That he melted it and made it int9 a silver spade.

KANKRI: And put it 9n a c9llar.

CRONUS: i said PORRIM did that.

KANKRI: N9 y9u didn't! Y9u said Rufi9h!

Kankri [KANKRI] is now Rufioh [RUFIOH]. ~~ 1 ~~

RUFIOH: who sa1d ruf1oh?


CRONUS: kankris, uh.

CRONUS: kankris staging a plot against you.

RUFIOH: what?

RUFIOH: kankr1? you are? why?

Rufioh [RUFIOH] is now Kankri [KANKRI]. ~~ 1 ~~


KANKRI: I am d9ing n9 such thing!

KANKRI: Cr9nus, tell him the truth!

CRONUS: vwowv, vwould you LOOK at the TIME.

CRONUS: see, id LOVWE to stay, but ivwe got.

CRONUS: an uh...

CRONUS: a group orgy scheduled, so.

Kankri [KANKRI] is now Rufioh [RUFIOH]. ~~ 1 ~~

RUFIOH: woah there dude. --grabs cronus by the arm.-- what have you been tell1ng kankr1? and what have you been tell1ng h1m about me?

CRONUS: {(why not just open an incognito tab or a new browser, might make things a bit easier

RUFIOH: ((1 d1dn't know you could do that! thank you!

CRONUS: {(it's gotta be incognito or a completely different one though, a normal new window/tab doesnt work

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 3 ~~

CRONUS: i havwent been telling anyone about anything, and i REALLY gotta go.

anonymous [??] is now Kankri [KANKRI]. ~~ 3 ~~

KANKRI: Rufi9h, Cr9nus has 6een telling me that he saw y9u pick up my missing whistle and melted it int9 a spade!

RUFIOH: a spade...? no, doll, 1 a1n't done noth1ng l1ke that.

CRONUS: *Blanch. Begins tugging at his arm, trying to break Rufioh's grip.*

RUFIOH: --keeps an 1ron gr1p on h1m.-- yo, cronus...why are you try1ng to put me 1n the hot seat?

CRONUS: times a vwasting here, im gonna be late, so if youd just LET GO...

RUFIOH: 1 th1nk you better answer the quest1on.

CRONUS: really, im the star player in this orgy.

CRONUS: it cant start vwithout me.

KANKRI: Yeah? Y9u and wh9, Cr9nus.

KANKRI: I'm sure we w9uld 69th just L9VE t9 kn9w wh9 y9u're keeping waiting.

CRONUS: vwhyre you so interested in my group sex?

RUFIOH: because we're pretty sure you a1n't tell1ng the truth bro...hate to call you a l1ar k1nda are one.

CRONUS: im as honest as the night is long, and youre REALLY starting to pinch here.

RUFIOH: 1f you're so honest why are you call1ng me a th1ef?

CRONUS: it vwas a misunderstanding, i nevwer called you a thief.

RUFIOH: 1 haven't stole anyth1ng...swear on my lusus and everyth1ng.

KANKRI: He called y9u a thief, Rufi9h.

CRONUS: he misheard 'maryam' as 'nitram'.

KANKRI: I did n9t!

KANKRI: H9w c9uld y9u even mistake the tw9?

CRONUS: thats vwhat im asking you.

KANKRI: And 6esides, it isn't like I wanted t9 start anything anyh9w!

KANKRI: Y9u t9ld me it was either fuck 9r fight!

KANKRI: That's what y9u said.

KANKRI: That's what he said, Rufi9h.

CRONUS: in reference to MARYAM.

RUFIOH: dude...that's s1ck.

RUFIOH: and 1 don't mean that 1n the best way.

RUFIOH: do you have a problem w1th me or someth1ng?

CRONUS: noooooo, i absolutely LOVWE you clogging up the dating game.

CRONUS: really just my favworite thing.

CRONUS: anyvways, my arms real sensitivwe.

CRONUS: its gonna bruise if you dont let go.

RUFIOH: yeah 1 don't th1nk that's go1ng to be the worse of 1t 1f you don't get your sh*t stra1ght.

RUFIOH: the f*ck 1s your problem w1th me?

CRONUS: i dont havwe a problem vwith you.

KANKRI: Y9u made it pretty clear t9 me that y9u have a pr96lem with him.

Cronus's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~

CRONUS: i dont havwe a problem vwith him.

KANKRI: Y9u implied it.

KANKRI: And if y9u didn't, why did y9u want me t9 fight him?

CRONUS: i vwas talking about MARYAM.



RUFIOH: look man...1 take kankr1's word over yours any day...and 1t sounds to me l1ke you've been talk1ng a lot of sh*t about me.

RUFIOH: 1 don't apprec1ate that.

CRONUS: cmon, cmon, be reasonable, just leggo.

RUFIOH: sounds l1ke you haven't been so reasonable, [1]pal[/1].

RUFIOH: ((d*mn

CRONUS: {(pats

CRONUS: im sure vwe can vwork this out later.

CRONUS: but im pretty busy.

RUFIOH: 1 th1nk you've got t1me for how about we work th1s out now.

RUFIOH: --cracks neck.--


KANKRI: 9h my G9d.

CRONUS: *Flinch.*

KANKRI: Sh9uld I get P9rrim?

KANKRI: Is there g9ing t9 6e a fight?

CRONUS: please dont get porrim.

RUFIOH: 1 don't know, cronus...maybe we should get our jade blooded beauty down here and see what she th1nks of you talk1ng th1s way about her.

CRONUS: this is all a misunderstanding, im innocent.

RUFIOH: why don't you get her kankr1...we wouldn't want you to w1tness someth1ng so bloody m1ght fa1nt and 1 don't want to stop because you h1t your head on someth1ng sharp.

CRONUS: hey, hey, you like gold?

CRONUS: ivwe got gold.

CRONUS: vwhattya say vwe put this behind us, eh?


RUFIOH: kankr1...get.


KANKRI: Excuse me, 6ut I d9n't f9ll9w y9ur 9rders, Nitram.

RUFIOH: don't make th1s 1nto a b1g deal vantas...1 don't need you butt1ng 1n l1ke you always do.

CRONUS: hes gonna beat me up, kankri, you really vwant that kinda blood indirectly on your hands?

CRONUS: if you dont intervwene, its your fault.



KANKRI: Rufi9h y9u sh9uld put him d9wn.

CRONUS: remember all the times i bailed YOU out?

RUFIOH: oh my f***1ng...kankr1 don't start.

CRONUS: and listened to your dumb speeches vwhen no one else did?

CRONUS: did i say dumb? i meant incredible.

RUFIOH: --squeezes h1s arm harder.-- keep your mouth shut before 1 knock your teeth out.

KANKRI: We sh9uld.

KANKRI: We sh9uld sit d9wn and talk this 9ut.




RUFIOH: cronus get h1m to shut up.

CRONUS: you cant do this, im too beautiful.

KANKRI: Y9u kn9w there is a tr9ll jail s9mewhere near6y.

KANKRI: Think a69ut y9ur future, Rufi9h.

CRONUS: yeah, yeah, throwv me in the slammer.

CRONUS: lots of chains and handcuffs and gags and stuff.

KANKRI: What? Cr9nus, n9, d9n't make this int9 a sex thing.

CRONUS: ill be absolutely MISERA8LE.

CRONUS: no, no, its not a sex thing.

KANKRI: It s9unds like a sex thing.

CRONUS: im not into any of that stuff at all.

CRONUS: really, just turns me COMPLETELY off.

RUFIOH: --cocks h1s arm back and sends 1t hurtl1ng forward, slamm1ng h1s bunched up f1st stra1ght 1nto cronus' nose.--

CRONUS: *There's a crack and his head slams back. He puts his other hand up to his nose, violet blood staining his fingertips. Cronus lets out a whimper, jerking his arm harder than ever.*













KANKRI: 9KAY! 9KAY! I'LL JUST-! --Leans f9rward and presses a weak punch against Rufi9h's arm.-- Take that!

RUFIOH: dude...what the f*ck was that?

RUFIOH: just.

CRONUS: oh my god.

CRONUS: im doomed.

CRONUS: im fucking doomed, theres no hope for me, im going to die again.

KANKRI: It's 9kay, Cr9nus, I think I g9t him where I want him.

KANKRI: He is t9tally threatened.

CRONUS: this is the end for cronus ampora.

RUFIOH: kankr1...1 don't mean to l1ke 1nsult you 1n front of ampora of all people but...that was pretty weak.

CRONUS: that vwas fucking pathetic.

KANKRI: W9ah, w9ah, w9ah!

KANKRI: N9 it wasn't!

KANKRI: That was a s9lid landing!

CRONUS: put some FORCE into it.

KANKRI: Cr9nus, stay 9ut 9f this.

KANKRI: This isn't a69ut y9u.


KANKRI: Rufi9h, y9u sh9uldn't think that y9u have the right t9 tell me h9w t9 fight.

KANKRI: I KN9W h9w t9 fight!

CRONUS: so do it.

RUFIOH: yeah sure you do.

CRONUS: kick his ass.

RUFIOH: cronus, shut up th1s 1sn't about you.

CRONUS: tear the vwings off.

CRONUS: and like, shred em into little pieces.

CRONUS: in front of him.

RUFIOH: --another punch 1n the face.--

CRONUS: vwhile he has to vwaaaaUUUGGGGGH!

RUFIOH: --punch, punch, punch.--

KANKRI: --Meanwhile Kankri is hanging 9nt9 his arm, getting jerked 6ack and f9rth.-- AHHHH!!!


CRONUS: *His only defense mechanism is just to go completely limp.*

RUFIOH: --after a few more punches to the face, neck, and chest area ruf1oh drops h1m.--

CRONUS: *He curls up into a bleeding fetal shape, sobbing like a child.*

RUFIOH: --tr1es to shake kankr1 off h1s arm.--

KANKRI: --Screaming silently.-- Cr9nus! Get up and fight him! He's g9ing t9 6eat me up!

CRONUS: evwerything hurts and my face is ruined and im going to die.

KANKRI: Cr9nus! Help me!

CRONUS: cant you see im a little busy DYING right nowv, kankri?

RUFIOH: oh my god...kankr1...get off my arm!

RUFIOH: you're mak1ng 1t get all sore.

CRONUS: good.

CRONUS: stay on his arm.

CRONUS: {(brb

RUFIOH: ((okay!

RUFIOH: --k1cks h1m 1n the stomach absentm1ndedly.--

RUFIOH: kankr1...doll..get off the arm.

KANKRI: I'm n9t y9ur d9ll!

KANKRI: Yeah, that's right, y9ur arm is getting all s9re, isn't it?

KANKRI: See? This is what happens when y9u mess with a VANTAS!

KANKRI: Y9u get s9re arms!

RUFIOH: dude.

RUFIOH: just.

CRONUS: {(back

RUFIOH: ((wb!

RUFIOH: --plucks kankr1 off h1s arm, hold1ng h1m up by the back of h1s sweater collar.--

CRONUS: just--OOF--get your fucking VWEAPON already.

KANKRI: It's at my hive!!!

CRONUS: oh my god.

KANKRI: Unhand me, Nitram!

KANKRI: Cr9nus! I'm stuck.

CRONUS: do i havwe to do EVWERYTHING myself?

KANKRI: Well, y9u haven't really d9ne anything.

CRONUS: i dont evwen havwe any GUNS vwith me, do you knowv vwhat youre forcing me to resort to here?

RUFIOH: yeah? what are you resort1ng to?

CRONUS: i cant evwen say its unholy name out loud.

RUFIOH: does anybody real1ze how r1d1culous th1s 1s?


KANKRI: C9uld y9u.

KANKRI: Put me d9wn?

CRONUS: *He's about to uncaptchalogue a wand. Sadly, he fucks up a bit and uncaptchalogues the next thing down.*

CRONUS: *A shiny silver whistle.*

KANKRI: Cr9nus he isn't putting me d9w-WHAT THE FUCK. --P9ints t9 the whistle.-- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, CR9NUS.

RUFIOH: woah.


CRONUS: huh.

CRONUS: vwhen did that get there.


CRONUS: vwhat, no.

CRONUS: it vwas alvways there.

CRONUS: you just didnt see it.


CRONUS: i bet RUFIOH dropped it.

CRONUS: think about it, hes shaking his arm, and its on the ground next to him.

RUFIOH: 1'm go1ng to make you eat your teeth...keep 1t up.

CRONUS: he KNOWVS im telling the truth.

CRONUS: thats vwhy hes threatening me.

KANKRI: --Kankri scram6les 9ut 9f Rufi9h's grip and sc99ps up his whistle, putting the string attached t9 it 9ver his head and ar9und his neck.--

KANKRI: Cr9nus, I cann9t 6ELIEVE y9u w9uld d9 this t9 me!

KANKRI: H9w c9uld y9u?

CRONUS: i told you, rufioh did it.

RUFIOH: --k1ck to the face.-- 1 d1dn't steal anyth1ng.

CRONUS: *Scoots slightly back.*

KANKRI: Cr9nus, I'm disapp9inted in y9u.

KANKRI: This is just.

CRONUS: he stole it and hes lying and im the innocent one here.

KANKRI: This is t99 much, I can't even l99k at y9u right n9w.

CRONUS: probably because my beautiful face is svwollen, bloody, and purple.

KANKRI: That's 6esides the p9int.

CRONUS: i didnt steal it.

CRONUS: its a coincidence.

KANKRI: D9n't even start with the lying!

KANKRI: I think it w9uld 6e 6est if we av9ided each 9ther f9r the time 6eing, Cr9nus.

KANKRI: I am extremely upset with y9u.

CRONUS: vwas just LYING there, i didnt think you vwanted it anymore.

KANKRI: And yet y9u kept it when I said I was l99king f9r it!

RUFIOH: th1s 1s uh...should 1 leave?

CRONUS: its vwery loud.

CRONUS: yes.

CRONUS: go fuck a rusty bucket or something.

RUFIOH: woah hard feel1ngs, r1ght?

CRONUS: vwery hard feelings.

RUFIOH: harsh.

CRONUS: you beat me up.

RUFIOH: you conv1nced l1ttle kan dude here that 1 stole h1s stuff.

RUFIOH: 1 would say 1t's fa1r.

CRONUS: people lie about ME all the time.

CRONUS: i dont beat THEM up.

RUFIOH: yeah because you'll lose every f1ght you start.

CRONUS: im a pacifist.

RUFIOH: that's bullsh1t.

CRONUS: also im unarmed.

RUFIOH: st1ll.

RUFIOH: don't start sh*t 1f you can't f1n1sh 1t.

CRONUS: i didnt start shit, i vwas trying to run avway.

RUFIOH: you started 1t when you were try1ng to get kankr1 to f1ght me.

RUFIOH: look at h1m...he can't f1ght me.

RUFIOH: look at those noodle arms!

CRONUS: he said he vworks out.

KANKRI: In his defense, the sweater d9es me n9 justice.

KANKRI: I c9uld see h9w he c9uld think I was a weakling.

RUFIOH: yeah, see?

CRONUS: howv much do you actually vwork out, buddy?

KANKRI: Every weekend.

KANKRI: P9rrim put me 9n a rather strict schedule.

CRONUS: but do you DO anything or do you just sit there vwhile maryam vworks out?

KANKRI: 9h yes, P9rrim has me d9 the weight lifting and f9rces me t9 run a c9uple 9f miles.

KANKRI: I d9n't like it 6ut I d9 it anyways.


KANKRI: Miles.

CRONUS: i mean, im no lightvweight myself.

CRONUS: i picked up the couch to find the remote.

RUFIOH: kankr1 1s a l1ttle more 1mpress1ve.

KANKRI: Thank y9u.

CRONUS: i dont need exercise, it comes naturally.

RUFIOH: yet you just got your *ss beat by me.

KANKRI: That is true, Cr9nus.

KANKRI: Y9u did.

KANKRI: It was sad t9 watch.

CRONUS: because i spared him.

RUFIOH: alr1ght...ready for round 2 then?

CRONUS: vwait, no.

CRONUS: its unfair.

RUFIOH: what's so unfa1r about 1t?

CRONUS: im already injured.

RUFIOH: po1nt taken.

RUFIOH: why don't we reschedule 1t for another t1me then?

KANKRI: This weekend c9uld d9.

CRONUS: just because i CAN fight doesnt mean im GOING to fight.

KANKRI: Cr9nus sh9uld 6e healed 6y then/

RUFIOH: why?

CRONUS: fine, if i admit i dont vwork out at all vwill you not beat me up again?

RUFIOH: are you go1ng to stop talk1ng about me beh1nd my back? and th1nk about your answer...1 don't want to have to get horuss 1nvolved...would you?

CRONUS: at least HES not a spotlight hog.

CRONUS: barely evwer see the cat, in fact.

CRONUS: its nice.

KANKRI: Cr9nus, y9u're 6eing incredi6ly stupid again.

KANKRI: I suggest that y9u agree t9 his terms.

CRONUS: are you denying hes a spotlight hog?

KANKRI: I'm pers9nally n9t getting int9 this.

RUFIOH: and why am 1 the spotl1ght hog?

CRONUS: cause he is, hes a spotlight hog.

CRONUS: because if it vwerent for you, ID be the team stud.

RUFIOH: 1 th1nk that would be m1tuna...hate to break 1t to you but ch1cks adore that guy.

CRONUS: vwhat.

RUFIOH: yeah man...m1tuna would be the team stud.

CRONUS: thats ridiculous.

CRONUS: ivwe got evwerything youvwe got, minus the shitty aspects, and MORE.

RUFIOH: uh...1 don't mean to accuse you of be1ng more sh1tty're k1nda more sh1tty than 1 am.

CRONUS: im MUCH hotter than you.

KANKRI: De6ata6le.

CRONUS: look at these hips.

RUFIOH: aw, thanks doll.

RUFIOH: cronus...1 th1nk you need to ch1ll out...1t 1sn't a b1g deal or anyth1ng.

RUFIOH: th1s 1sn't a contest.

CRONUS: says the person vwhos vwinning.

RUFIOH: 1 d1dn't know 1 was w1nn1ng unt1l you ment1oned 1t to be a contest.

CRONUS: its unfair.

CRONUS: you dont evwen TRY and yet here i am, trying my vwery hardest, and no one appreciates me.

RUFIOH: maybe 1t's because you try too hard?

RUFIOH: 1t's k1nda overpower1ng somet1mes...a lot of people don't d1g that.

CRONUS: thats ridiculous, you cant try too hard.

KANKRI: Yes y9u can, and t9 6e h9nest that's all y9u've 6een d9ing ever since y9u left 6ehind y9ur wizard shtick.

CRONUS: oh, vwowv.

CRONUS: lowv blowv.

KANKRI: I'm just saying!

CRONUS: i tried just as hard back then, too.

CRONUS: just on different goals.

RUFIOH: yeah but that was okay weren't bother1ng anybody.

RUFIOH: 1t was cool that you obsessed over your w1zard sh*t.

CRONUS: i vwas also an antisocial little vweirdo.

KANKRI: I pers9nally liked that anits9cial little weird9.

CRONUS: and im proud to say i despised you.

KANKRI: Y9u pr96a6ly still d9, s9 that hasn't changed.

CRONUS: ivwe got social skills, sanity, and personal hygiene nowv.

CRONUS: im a SIGNIFICANTLY better person.

KANKRI: The pers9nal hygiene is definately a plus.

RUFIOH: soc1als sk1lls are...okay.

RUFIOH: san1ty 1s quest1onable.

CRONUS: hey, im sane.

RUFIOH: 1 stand by what 1 sa1d.

CRONUS: and ivwe got style nowv.





RUFIOH: okay.

CRONUS: no more fake glasses and finrings, im cool nowv.

KANKRI: Well, ditching the finrings was certainly s9mething I appr9ve 9f.

RUFIOH: hey...wa1t...1 thought you needed those glasses.

CRONUS: vwell, i mean, back THEN i did, but i took care of it.

KANKRI: H9w exactly did y9u take care 9f it?

KANKRI: Please tell me y9u didn't d9 anything reckless.

CRONUS: serket is open to persuasion and transfer of knowvledge.

RUFIOH: d1dn't consult aranea...1t's l1ke mak1ng a deal w1th the dev1l.

CRONUS: 20/20, baby.

RUFIOH: snap...that's pretty fly.

RUFIOH: st1ll though...aranea?

CRONUS: shes hot.


KANKRI: Highly de6ata6le.

CRONUS: evwer vwonder vwhy i use 8s?

KANKRI: N9w that y9u menti9n it, I have w9ndered why y9u d9 that.

CRONUS: *Eyebrow wiggle.*


RUFIOH: gross man.

CRONUS: vwhat, howv is an innuendo gross?

RUFIOH: because...1t's aranea...g1rl has a screw loose up there dude.


RUFIOH: plus her fanf1ct1on 1s...we1rd.

CRONUS: vwait, fanfiction?

RUFIOH: yeah...she has volumes of fanf1ct1ons she's wr1tten about all of us stacked on her bookshelf.

RUFIOH: been work1ng on 1t for sweeps.

CRONUS: havwe you read any of it?

CRONUS: am i in it?

CRONUS: is it sexy?

CRONUS: howv did she describe my ass?

RUFIOH: whoa...slow down there dude.

RUFIOH: to answer your quest1on 1t's yes, yes, no, yes.

CRONUS: my last one vwasnt a yes or no question.

RUFIOH: just.

RUFIOH: she d1d and that's 1t.

CRONUS: but howv vwas it described.

RUFIOH: 1 don't want to talk about what 1v'e seen.

CRONUS: please.


CRONUS: ill pay you.

RUFIOH: man you couldn't pay me enoug-, wa1t, no.

RUFIOH: not happen1ng.

CRONUS: vweeeeeeellll?


CRONUS: vwhat if i said ivwe been stealing your hair products for eons and i could givwe you them back.

RUFIOH: dude, what the f*ck!

RUFIOH: why do you do all th1s we1rd sh*t?

CRONUS: petty theft is thrilling and i dont havwe any grist left to make my owvn stuff?

RUFIOH: 1 thought you made b1ll1ons when we were 1n the game.

RUFIOH: what happened to all that gr1st?

CRONUS: yeah, lets just say it turns out the more satisfying a vwibrator is, the more exponentially expensivwe it is.

RUFIOH: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!

KANKRI: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!

KANKRI: T99 much inf9rmati9n, Cr9nus!

CRONUS: im broke.

KANKRI: Cr9nus I th9ught y9u had y9ur g9ld.

KANKRI: What happened t9 y9ur g9ld?

CRONUS: you cant alchemize stuff vwith gold.

KANKRI: Can't y9u trade with Meenah?

KANKRI: Y9u kn9w h9w she l9ves her g9ld.

CRONUS: im going to put gold vwithin her reach, and trust that shes going to pay me fairly for it?

RUFIOH: do the mex1can trade off...1 co1ned that term from a human.

CRONUS: i dont knowv vwhat that means.

RUFIOH: 1t means you should just sw1tch at the same exact t1me.

RUFIOH: that way nobody gets screwed over.

CRONUS: vwhat if she stabs me after vwe svwitch.

RUFIOH: that...1 can't help you w1th.

CRONUS: and i VWOULD use boonbucks, but im completely out of those.

RUFIOH: dude.

KANKRI: Cr9nus, y9u need t9 manage y9ur m9ney 6etter.

CRONUS: its not related to dildos.

KANKRI: Then what did y9u use it f9r this time?

CRONUS: ok, so, i spent a lot of time on derse, yknowv?

CRONUS: and i spent a lot of time at this underground casino.

KANKRI: Cr9nus, what have I t9ld y9u a69ut gam6ling?

KANKRI: First 9f all, I t9ld y9u y9u're n9t g99d at it.

CRONUS: and the game vwas a little confusing and i didnt understand it too vwell, but i had fun.

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